Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Little things...

Today my wife was worried because our ice maker had been shut off. You see, she wanted to take a lot of ice to school this morning. As a first grade teacher, she's been instructing the children about Native Americans and Pilgrims. Today is candle making day. Ice cools the wax as the children make the candles.

I mentioned she could ask a parent to bring some, or ask me or turn on the ice machine and get more at lunch. Well, she moved on to other topics and left for work,without answering me or making other plans. Then it occurred to me, I could stop by the coffee shop, Jamocha Jo's Java & Ice Cream, (the owners had their daughter in her class last year). I took my cooler in and they donated the ice! I picked up a couple coffees too. One for her and one for me.

Boy was she surprised this morning when I showed up with my gifts. Later in the morning, She sent me an email: "OK you are definitely in the running for husband of the year award. THANK YOU!!!"

Its the little things in life that make a big difference.
How about you? What little thing can you do today or tomorrow to make a difference for someone you care about?