Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why Blogg?

So - Why Blogg? I'm on sabbatical and i'm venturing out and trying something new. Sitting in a coffee shop in Oregon, watching it rain of course, the reflections i place here have something to do with a person coming fully alive, engaged with the heart as well as the brain. In our hi-tech world us boomer/buster types (since i'm on the cusp) have been trained by our culture to perform. This is my opportunity to reach out and speak in a non-perfomance mode (as best as i can, lol). I hope that readers will be encouraged and inspired to experience life to the full due in part to sharing the journey with me. Why do you Blogg?

1 comment:

jhnb said...

"A man fully alive" Thanks to you, that is coming true. A true Champion, in my book. I pray that your time is full of surprises.