Friday, July 14, 2006

Perfection beyond me, Excellence my goal

Excellence is willing to be wrong.
Perfection is having to be right.

Excellence is risk.
Perfection is fear.

Excellence is powerful.
Perfection is anger and frustration.

Excellence is spontaneous.
Perfection is control.

Excellence is accepting.
Perfection is judgment.

Excellence is giving.
Perfection is taking.

Excellence is confidence.
Perfection is doubt.

Excellence is flowing.
Perfection is pressure.

Excellence is journey.
Perfection is destination.

Being Excellent blesses others.
Being Perfect hurts others.

I choose to be a blessing today!
How about you?


jhnb said...

So when are you posting again

jhnb said...

Waiting for a post :)

waterboy said...

Posting... man that means i have to stop and ponder and write about my ponderings and enter it in and proof it and oh well.... sooner or later...