Monday, September 11, 2006


Someone mentioned a Scripture from the Bible the other day. The letters in Red. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey my commands." Wow - that's quite a statement. Who in your life could say that to you and get away with it?

My mom or dad could have said that to me. "If you love me, son, you would not do this to us and you would clean up your room and put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket."

I could have said that to my parents. "If you love me, you would call me when you're going to be gone out late because as your 20 something year old son I come home and don't know if you are okay." That definitely was before cell phones, but my parents were in their 60s.

Okay - so who could you say that to? Or maybe how do we say that today? I say to my kids, "I love you and I want you to suceed at school, so do your homework." Okay, okay - so maybe that's not exactly how I say it. But that is what I mean.

We're not big on commandments in our culture today. We're big on connections and relationship. I'd like to suggest that we follow Jesus' advice. If you love him, show him that you love him by doing what he asks of you.

Do you have a friend who asked you to do something for them recently? You did it because you have a relationship with him. Not to prove it. Not to be liked better. Not to gain points on a grading system of who owes who.

You did it because - Get this - You love him or her. That's relationship. That's connection. That's Friendship. That's just like it is with Jesus.

I love God. I strive to do what he tells me. Sometimes I don't. (We'll save that for a conversation on Forgiveness).

How do you show love to God? I'd love to read your thoughts.

Have a great day!


jhnb said...

Tag your it. I posted. The day retreat went well!

waterboy said...

Ah - the privilege and the responsiblity of writing. In the Good Book it says "A noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands."